Wednesday, March 13, 2013

RadioLab: Mirror Mirror

On the weekend I adore Austin's local public radio station, KUT; their lineup is impeccable.
On Saturday:
     9am - Car Talk
     10am - Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
     2pm - TED Radio Hour
On Sunday:
     10am - This American Life
     11am - Snap Judgement
     Noon - RadioLab
     1pm - The Splendid Table

Sunday is especially awesome - particularly RadioLab, which is the subject of today's blog post.  The episode, Mirror Mirror, talked about the fact that when you look into the mirror, you are seeing the opposite of what is happening in real life.  So, the way you see your reflection is really the complete reverse as how you come off to the rest of the world - and the results are astounding...just look!  And just listen to the podcast, they do a better job explaining things.


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