Friday, October 26, 2012

Charleston, South Carolina

My older brother is getting married in Charleston, South Carolina this weekend.  After much procrastination, Conner and I finally got our highly expensive plane tickets to attend (waiting till the last minute is a vicious, vicious malady we both suffer from at times).  The funny thing is that my brother is Jewish (step-brother) and his wife-to-be's family is from the Middle East.  Now the clincher is that her family doesn't know that my brother is Jewish and they are not to know until many years in the future.  The thing is that my step-father's side of the family look super Jewish!  There's no way around it.  And I just think this is a perfect recipe for disaster.

Despite that soap opera looming on the horizon, I'm looking forward to going back to the East Coast for a minute and hanging out by the ocean; it's been far too long since I've been.  I found this nifty New York Times article, 36 Hours in Charleston, to help us catch all the best of Charleston in between wedding festivities.
1) The Charleston Grill- a place to go have a quite martini and listen to some southern Jazz while we have some down time between the ceremony and reception.
2) Visit Magar Hatworks- mainly for eye candy since Austin is too hot to actually purchase a hat to wear here.  I mean, doesn't that picture above make it look dreamy?  I've got to go.
 3) Stop by Wildflour Pastry- because apparently Sundays are designated Sticky Bun Sundays and I plan to you know, ...when in Rome...


  1. Oh man, and we never made it here! The wedding was clear on the other side of town and we never did go. I'm sure it would have been fabulous if we had.
