Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Birthdays and Cake

photo via Smitten Kitchen
Today's my 30 birthday!!!  I've been saying that I'm almost 30 for the last 2 years and it's finally happened.  I have to say that I'm looking forward to the next decade-everyone else that's already reached this age says that it's so much better than their 20's.  I had a lovely time in my 20's-had so much fun, paved my way in the world, finally figured out what I want to do with my life for the next several years, fell in love, and bought a house.  However, what I am looking forward to in the coming years is more stability; more time to enjoy the good things and spending less time on getting bent out of shape about silly things; traveling more; and finally taking better care of myself.  Oh, and not to be forgotten-to eat more cake! 

Carrot Cake happens to be my absolute favorite type of cake.  My mom used to make it for me as a child and then I went through a phase (which lasted about 12 years) when I hated carrot and wanted chocolate.  Now I have returned to the fold and can lust after no other cake except the carrot : )  There is a lovely recipe over at Smitten Kitchen.

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