Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lady Gaga: Alejandro

One Saturday night before I went out I watched a couple Lady Gaga videos and was totally floored; Alejandro being one of the most racy of them all. I think she has a couple things going for her; her music can not stand on it's own however, where I think she becomes interesting is in her whole aesthetic.  Lady Gaga's videos are shocking-I think of my younger sister (who's only 12) and am floored that she loves these things.  My man Conner says that I need to get over myself and remember Madonna videos from the 90's.  He says that here you have a moderately attractive lady with a killer body who makes super suggestive videos for music that is mediocre at best.  He presents the video Alejandro as evidence and likens it to Like A Prayer; sex, religion, say no more, say no more.

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