Thursday, November 1, 2012

Passing Away: Grandpa George

My Grandpa George passed away a couple months ago in Arizona and unfortunately Conner and I couldn't make it to his memorial.  Instead, we decided to have a "Grandpa Day" where we would do all the things that he used to like doing.  It took me a minute to come up with a list but in the process I started remembering stories about me and the Grandfolks that I haven't thought about in forever and made me feel closer to him than I have in the many years since I've moved half-way across the country.

To begin our day we got up early (not our favorite time to get up) and went on a "Grandpa Run" know, the slow plodding run where it seems faster to just walk and which one must begin with a steeply forward lean so that the legs must move in order to keep from falling down.  Now, Conner is not a runner and I have to confess that it was hilarious just watching him bouncing along.  Then we ate bagels and lox while we read the New York Times.

It was just such a lovely day and made me happy to think about Grandpa instead of feeling sad that he was gone--I think this is the beginning of a new tradition for us.


  1. That's just like Grandpa's favorite Tom Waits shirt ;)

  2. Haha, no way...Grandpa had a shirt like that? That's funny stuff.
