Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Make Room on Urban Barn

My man and I recently purchased our very first house.  All of a sudden I feel like a bonafide and stable adult, while also feeling more broke than I have in a very long time.  Every time I get a lovely paycheck from work, it just flies out the door because we buy an oven, or a dresser, or countless gallons of paint; then I'm right back in line, eagerly anticipating my next paycheck.  And I no longer understand the idea of a quick trip to Home Depot-I always leave with my pockets much lighter, in increments of $100 at a time.
This is our little house and by the time we're done renovating it 30 years down the road, it will probably look much different than it does now-at least I hope it does.  I found a link on Pintrest to The Make Room on Urban Barn and it's brilliant!  Super easy to use, The Make Room is an online tool to help you plan out your furniture layout in your new apartment, or in my case, where I want to put my new walls.  It makes it so much easier to visualize how we want our future awesome house to look.  Check it out.
Our current set-up.

Our future awesome house.

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